Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moral lesson about the short story ';footnote to youth';?

kindly help me with this...thank you very much!!Moral lesson about the short story ';footnote to youth';?
Marriage in a very young age when you are not yet prepared with the obligations accompanied to it will give birth to more problems. Therefore before entering to a married life, we must not only think twice but a hundred times....Moral lesson about the short story ';footnote to youth';?
I read about this masterpiece by author Nick Joaquin. The moral of the story is that marriage is something that is taken seriously. Because marriage aside from being a sacrament is something that is full of responsibilities; when you decide to get married and you do marry someone, there is no turning back. To the youth, there is lots of things that should be taken into consideration before marrying of course including their readiness to take the responsibilities of raising a family and being able to respond to their needs. Because marriage is not a move that they can cancel when they feel like doing so.