Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is a footnote? I really need to know.?

It's a 5 page thing.

First page: Title

Second Page: Person

Third: Person

Fourth: Footnote---I need to know what it is.

Fifth:BibliographyWhat is a footnote? I really need to know.?

A footnote can be many different things. Determine what style your teacher wants. It should be on the assignment, given in lecture, on your syllabus, or perhaps written on the board. Chances are, it is MLA style if you are in public high school in the United States. The Modern Language Association is one commonly cited authority for academic writing style. The American Psychological Association (APA) or Chicago Manual (often called Turabian after the University of Chicago Secretary that so diligently edited Ph.D. candiates' drafts for umpteen million years) are two other sources. Your teacher may have also devised and explained in class what they want to see. Check out the sources below for examples of each style of footnote.


tjhaas2008@gmail.comWhat is a footnote? I really need to know.?
Sometimes when you are reading something, there are little numbers above a work or set of information that needs further explanation. Underneath or on another page it will be in numerical order with the definition, synonym, or further explanation of it

For example, in older writing the author may have used a word that isn't used anymore, so the author will put a number next to it and then define it in a way a common reader can understand. Sometimes authors add them to their work as well to clarify without having to put it in their original work.
In general it is a note that is written at the bottom of the page; but it usually used to cite something that you are quoting, you put a citation in the same for you would put it in the bibliography.
A footnote is when you're writing a paper and you reference something, but instead of putting a Bibliography page at the end, you put a Note at the bottom of the page.
footnote is like where you cited it from all the information

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